Rupture with Tradition: Make it new by using anti-traditionalism. Attack the tradition set by the institutions of Art and Literature within bourgeois society. Reject all absolute aesthetic conventions and considerations of taste. Characterised by mystification and intellectual playfulness.
Formal Subversion: Culture and its norms are viewed as an artificial arrangement that can be transgressed. Shock tactics and anti-art gestures used to shake public out of its apathetic acceptance of outmoded values. Avant-garde art decomposed old frames of reference. It value fragments, curious collections and unexpected juxtapositions. Erotic, Exotic and Unconscious. Spontaneous, primitive and the irrational were prized. Blurs barriers between conscious and unconscious and liberates the imagination bringing about new perceptions and new social relations.
Thematic Nihilism: A general loss of faith in absolutes: God, Man, Reason, Truth, Beauty, Honour, Authority, Logic, Language and accepted social values were all rejected. Define themselves in opposition to the dominant conservative forces within society often seeing themselves as aesthetic terrorists antagonistic to accepted social ideals and values.