Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Scene 7 Draft

Scene No. 7
Page No. 7

Slugline: INT.LIVINGROOM - MORNING (past / present)

End Point In Last Scene: Horatio's inevitable death.

Characters In Scene: Horatio

Point of Scene: To confuse the audience with a twist. To allow Horatio to continue his story.

Conflict: Zombie Apocalypse? Dream? Life and Death?

Ending/Central Question: Why is Horatio alive?

Key Micro Elements:

Scene Description Focusing on Key Micro Aspects: Horatio wakes up after sleeping on the couch, his point of view is blurred and out of focus [camera]. He gets up and stretches his arms [Camera].  Horatio walks past his kitchen window, [camera framing] frames his face while the orderly society continues outside.

Horatio then walks over and boils the kettle and leans back on the kitchen side table behind him. [mise on scene]. A postman walks directly past the window behind him [camera framing] and Horatio faces the window and greets him [diegetic sound]. Horatio then turns and faces the camera [camera] the kettle begins to whistle [diegetic sound] a flash of a zombies face appears [editing] as a loud scream is heard [non-diegetic sound]

Scene 6 Draft

Scene No. 6
Page No. 6

Slugline: INT. Abandoned city street - DAY ( present )

End Point In Last Scene: Horatio leaves the horde.

Characters In Scene: Horatio / Survivors.

Point of Scene: Establish Horatio's remorse and self control.

Conflict: Zombie Apocalypse

Ending/Central Question: Can Horatio be human again? Will Horatio Live?

Key Micro Elements: I have chosen to focus on the way sound is used to lure unsuspecting zombies into traps for easy pickings. Specifically referencing other zombie films where aural traps are used to either kill or distract a zombie. I have also focused on the use of camera again to emphasize Horatio being alone once more as I feel the use of camera can really help highlight how small he is and how unimportant he is.

Scene Description Focusing on Key Micro Aspects: Horatio is walking down an empty city street [Camera] dead bodies and wreckage litter the streets [Mise en scene]. A small light tapping is heard [diegetic sound] almost as if tins are being hit together gesturing Horatio down an alley way between the buildings [camera]. Gradually the tapping becomes louder [Diegetic sound] and Horatio is nearing the end of the alley way.

As Horatio is unleashed to the other side of the alley the sun shine masks his vision [editing] a knife is quickly lunged into his skull [mise en scene]. He drops to the floor [Camera] as survivors cheer [diegetic sound]

scene 5 Draft

Scene No. 5
Page No. 5

Slugline: INT. City - DAY (present)

End Point In Last Scene: Regaining consciousness in a zombie horde.

Characters In Scene: Survivor(s) / Mob of zombies / Horatio

Point of Scene: To show the power of a collective consciousness. Horatio is a cog in the machine.

Conflict: Zombie Apocalypse.

Ending/Central Question: Is Horatio still human in anyway?

Key Micro Elements: Through the use of Camera positioning I would to highlight that Horatio is a small part in a much bigger idea something so big in fact he becomes irrelevant, as we see he leaves the women out of reluctance and there is someone else there to take his place.

Scene Description Focusing on Key Micro Aspects: Thousands of zombies are pouring through the city streets [camera] some zombies running towards and crowding around the fallen survivors to feast. Horatio finds himself sprinting towards a female survivor injured in the street [camera] and immediately attempts to bite her [Mise en scene]. She is screaming [diegetic sound] and Horatio [camera] looks at her with regret. Horatio is seen stumbling away from the horde of zombies [camera] as another zombies runs up to the girl and eats her anyway.

Scene 4 Draft

Scene No. 4
Page No.  4

Slugline: EXT. TOWN - NIGHT (present)

End Point In Last Scene: Journey to gunshot

Characters In Scene: Mob of zombies / Horatio / Zombie

Point of Scene: To move Horatio forward and provide a "hive mind"

Conflict: Zombie Apocalypse, War between Survivors and Zombies.

Ending/Central Question: Can Horatio control his mental state?

Key Micro Elements: The focus of this scene will be on Camera angles and positioning to highlight that Horatio is apart of a pack, he has found people going through the same problems he's going through which emphasizes that there is a group consciousness based on similar desires, this is achieved by showing Horatio standing beside his fellow zombies progressively; starting with two-shots to a wide shot of the mob for example. I would also like to use Editing along side Camera technique to establish that there are huge jumps in time that both the viewer and Horatio misses.

Scene Description Focusing on Key Micro Aspects: Horatio's eyes flicker to the side [camera] as he hears another set of footsteps [diegetic sound] another zombie is making it's way to the previously heard gunshot. Horatio looks at her for awhile [camera] and continues to stumble on. Screams are heard in the distance [diegetic sound] and Horatio's vision becomes blurred and skewed [editing].

Suddenly Horatio is placed in the center of a horde of zombies [camera] they march in unison. Horatio can feel blood dripping down his chin [mise en scene] as he regains his consciousness [editing].